In 2005 zal op het zweefvliegveld Terlet het Nederlands Kampioenschap in de Clubklasse worden gehouden. Hierbij kunnen vliegers inschrijven met toestellen behorend tot de Clubklasse die voorkomen op de IGC handicap list. Handicap wordt volgens de IGC handicap list toegepast; dit jaar alleen met correctie voor later aangebrachte winglets. Wingrootfairings en MTOW worden nog buiten beschouwing gelaten. In de clubklasse is het cfm de clubklasse definitie verboden waterballast mee te nemen.
1.07: DG200[365kg]; DG202(15m)[365kg]; Vega(15m); DG500/505 Orion(20m); ASW24 [357kg]; LS7[365kg]; LS 3[410kg]; Mini Nimbus[370kg]; Mosquito[384kg]; D 40; Diamant 18m[400kg]; BS 1; D 36 1.06: Glasfluegel 304C(W)[360kg]; FK-3; SB 8; Speed Astir II[380kg]; PIK 20D/E [364kg]; Janus C without retractable gear; B 12; Calif A 21; DG 1000/18m 1.05 LS 4[385kg]; DG 300[372kg]; Falkon; LS 3 Std; SB 12; AFH 24; Glasfluegel 304C[360kg]; AK 5; Pegase (all versions) [275kg]; Mue 26; Diamant 16,5m[395kg]; Cirrus 18,34m[340kg]; Janus 18.2m; DG 505; Orion 18m 1.03 DG 300 without retractable gear[370kg]; LS 2; H 301[310kg] 1.02 ASW 19 a,b (w)[385kg]; LS 1f(w)[369kg] 1.01 Hornet(w) [369kg]; ASW 19 a,b[385kg]; Std. Cirrus 16m[340kg]; LS 1f [369kg]; JantarStd 2,3[395kg]; SZD 59; Std. Libelle 17m[325kg] 1.00 DG 100[363kg]; Hornet[369kg]; Std. Jantar1[395kg]; Cirrus(w)[340kg]; Std. Astir[385kg]; Phoebus B3; Cirrus[340kg]; Phoebus C1; D 37; SB 7; Elfe 17m; Cobra 17m[380kg] 0.99 Std.Libelle(w)[325kg]; ASW 15 a,[323kg]b(w)[365kg] ;Std.Cirrus [340kg],Cirrus 75[340kg]; ASW 19 Club [385kg] 0.98 ASW 15a[323kg], b [365kg]; Std. Libelle[325kg]; LS 1-0,c,d [345kg]; 9 Cobra 15[375kg]; DG 100 Club[363kg]; D 38; Mue 22b; Pajno V1/2[395kg] 0.97 SHK 0.96 Astir CS[385kg]; Astir CS 77[385kg]; Club Libelle[350kg]; Salto 15/15,5m; Elfe S3/S4; Mistral C; Phoebus B; IS29D; LS 1-0 without retractable gear; VSO-10 Handicap Adjustments - Landing gear changes Handicap by 0.02 /Winglets change Handicap by 0.01
- Wing root fairings change Handicap by 0,01
- The handicap is based on the performance at a stated glider reference weight, which is base on a typical empty weight plus 110 kg. Where a glider is flown at a higher weight by necessity, the handicap will be increased by 0.002 for each 10 kg or part thereof that the glider exceeds the base handicap weight.
- The proposed handicap list is a compromise between the BGA and the DAeC lists and is assumed to give fair results in all weather conditions